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1   package liquibase.ext.spatial.change;
3   import java.util.ArrayList;
4   import java.util.List;
6   import liquibase.change.AbstractChange;
7   import liquibase.change.Change;
8   import liquibase.change.ChangeMetaData;
9   import liquibase.change.ChangeWithColumns;
10  import liquibase.change.ColumnConfig;
11  import liquibase.change.DatabaseChange;
12  import liquibase.change.DatabaseChangeProperty;
13  import liquibase.database.Database;
14  import liquibase.exception.ValidationErrors;
15  import liquibase.ext.spatial.statement.CreateSpatialIndexStatement;
16  import liquibase.ext.spatial.xml.XmlConstants;
17  import liquibase.statement.SqlStatement;
18  import liquibase.util.StringUtils;
20  /**
21   * The <code>CreateSpatialIndexChange</code>....
22   */
23  @DatabaseChange(name = "createSpatialIndex", description = "Creates a spatial index on an existing column or set of columns.", priority = ChangeMetaData.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, appliesTo = "index")
24  public class CreateSpatialIndexChange extends AbstractChange implements
25  ChangeWithColumns<ColumnConfig> {
26     private String catalogName;
27     private String schemaName;
28     private String tableName;
29     private String indexName;
30     private String tablespace;
31     private List<ColumnConfig> columns = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>();
32     private String geometryType;
33     private String srid;
35     /**
36      * Sets the database catalog name.
37      *
38      * @param catalogName
39      */
40     public void setCatalogName(final String catalogName) {
41        this.catalogName = catalogName;
42     }
44     @DatabaseChangeProperty(description = "Name of the catalog")
45     public String getCatalogName() {
46        return this.catalogName;
47     }
49     @DatabaseChangeProperty(mustEqualExisting = "index", description = "Name of the index to create", requiredForDatabase = "mysql, oracle, postgresql")
50     public String getIndexName() {
51        return this.indexName;
52     }
54     public void setIndexName(final String indexName) {
55        this.indexName = indexName;
56     }
58     @DatabaseChangeProperty(mustEqualExisting = "index.schema")
59     public String getSchemaName() {
60        return this.schemaName;
61     }
63     public void setSchemaName(final String schemaName) {
64        this.schemaName = schemaName;
65     }
67     @DatabaseChangeProperty(mustEqualExisting = "index.table", description = "Name of the table to add the index to", exampleValue = "person", requiredForDatabase = "all")
68     public String getTableName() {
69        return this.tableName;
70     }
72     public void setTableName(final String tableName) {
73        this.tableName = tableName;
74     }
76     /**
77      * Returns the geometry type.
78      *
79      * @return the geometry type.
80      */
81     @DatabaseChangeProperty(description = "The Well-Known Text geometry type", exampleValue = "POINT")
82     public String getGeometryType() {
83        return this.geometryType;
84     }
86     /**
87      * Sets the geometry type.
88      *
89      * @param geometryType
90      *           the geometry type.
91      */
92     public void setGeometryType(final String geometryType) {
93        this.geometryType = geometryType;
94     }
96     /**
97      * Returns the srid.
98      *
99      * @return the srid.
100     */
101    @DatabaseChangeProperty(description = "The Spatial Reference ID of the indexed data.  An EPSG SRID is assumed.", exampleValue = "4326", requiredForDatabase = "derby, h2")
102    public String getSrid() {
103       return this.srid;
104    }
106    /**
107     * Sets the srid.
108     *
109     * @param srid
110     *           the srid.
111     */
112    public void setSrid(final String srid) {
113       this.srid = srid;
114    }
116    @Override
117    @DatabaseChangeProperty(mustEqualExisting = "index.column", description = "Column(s) to add to the index", requiredForDatabase = "all")
118    public List<ColumnConfig> getColumns() {
119       if (this.columns == null) {
120          return new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>();
121       }
122       return this.columns;
123    }
125    @Override
126    public void setColumns(final List<ColumnConfig> columns) {
127       this.columns = columns;
128    }
130    @Override
131    public void addColumn(final ColumnConfig column) {
132       this.columns.add(column);
133    }
135    @DatabaseChangeProperty(description = "Tablepace to create the index in.")
136    public String getTablespace() {
137       return this.tablespace;
138    }
140    public void setTablespace(final String tablespace) {
141       this.tablespace = tablespace;
142    }
144    /**
145     * @see liquibase.change.AbstractChange#validate(liquibase.database.Database)
146     */
147    @Override
148    public ValidationErrors validate(final Database database) {
149       final ValidationErrors validationErrors = new ValidationErrors();
150       if (this.srid != null) {
151          if (!this.srid.matches("[0-9]+")) {
152             validationErrors.addError("The SRID must be numeric");
153          }
154       }
156       if (!validationErrors.hasErrors()) {
157          validationErrors.addAll(super.validate(database));
158       }
160       return validationErrors;
161    }
163    @Override
164    public String getConfirmationMessage() {
165       final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Spatial index");
166       if (StringUtils.trimToNull(getIndexName()) != null) {
167          message.append(' ').append(getIndexName().trim());
168       }
169       message.append(" created");
170       if (StringUtils.trimToNull(getTableName()) != null) {
171          message.append(" on ").append(getTableName().trim());
172       }
173       return message.toString();
174    }
176    @Override
177    public SqlStatement[] generateStatements(final Database database) {
178       final String[] columns = new String[this.columns.size()];
179       int ii = 0;
180       for (final ColumnConfig columnConfig : this.columns) {
181          columns[ii++] = columnConfig.getName();
182       }
184       // Parse the string SRID into an integer.
185       Integer srid = null;
186       if (getSrid() != null) {
187          srid = Integer.valueOf(getSrid());
188       }
190       final CreateSpatialIndexStatement statement = new CreateSpatialIndexStatement(getIndexName(),
191             getCatalogName(), getSchemaName(), getTableName(), columns, getTablespace(),
192             getGeometryType(), srid);
193       return new SqlStatement[] { statement };
194    }
196    @Override
197    protected Change[] createInverses() {
198       final DropSpatialIndexChange inverse = new DropSpatialIndexChange();
199       inverse.setCatalogName(getCatalogName());
200       inverse.setSchemaName(getSchemaName());
201       inverse.setTableName(getTableName());
202       inverse.setIndexName(getIndexName());
204       return new Change[] { inverse };
205    }
207    @Override
208    public String getSerializedObjectNamespace() {
209       return XmlConstants.SPATIAL_CHANGELOG_NAMESPACE;
210    }
211 }